Photos and videos produced during the Afro-Sampas research: recordings of performances, shows, rehearsals. Our audiovisual field journal and collaborations with anthropologist-photographers.
The Sea, a Cemetery
“Seawater is salty because of the tears of Mother Africa shed in the name of her lost children.”
Performance by the Congolese artist Sambuyi Wetu at São Vicente, August 2018.
Interview with Mozambican musician Lenna Bahule on her artistic trajectory following a performance with the Bahule Quartet at São Paulo’s Museum of Immigration, March 2016.
Improvised performance by the Mozambican dancer Vasco Antônio Sitoe, from the Hodi Cultural Association, with music by Fernando Tito Sitoe and Lenna Bahule, Maputo, February 2017.
Hodi Cultural Association (with Lenna Bahule)
The Hodi Cultural Association, formed of musicians and dancers from Maputo, who we met during the filming of Woya Hayi Mawe – Where are you going to?, with the Mozambican Lenna Bahule, February 2017.
Anitché Brasil-África
Composition by the Congolese musician Yannick Delass, with the participation of Togolese percussionist Edoh Fiho Amassize and of the Brazilian guitarist Le Andrade, in the first edition of the “Congo Ancestral” project at Al Janiah restaurant in São Paulo, October 2016.
Sinto-me latido
A duet between the Angolan poet Ermi Panzo and the Congolese musician Yannick Delass during the First edition of the ‘Congo Ancestral’ project, at Al Janiah restaurant in São Paulo, October 2016.
Grupo Esperança – Festival GRIST
Performance by Grupo Esperança from Togo, at the São Paulo Festival of Refugee and Homeless Music. Largo da Batata, São Paulo, December 2015.
Masese Live
Yannick Delass and his band perform Masese during the Território Artístico Imigrante event, Praça Coronel Fernando Prestes, São Paulo, February 2017.
Grupo Esperança – Fábrica de Cultura
Performance by Grupo Esperança from Tog at the Second Collective Festival # MúsicaParaTodos, at the Fábrica de Cultura Vila Nova Cachoeirinha. São Paulo, March 2016.
From Togo to Brazil
Photographic essay
By: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, full professor in the Department of Anthropology, University of Sao Paulo
Description: Music and dance workshop made by Togolese artists in the Hotel Cambridge occupation in Sao Paulo in 2016. Published in the journal Ponto e Virgula.
Grupo Maobé in performance
Photographic essay
By: Rafael Hupsel, photographer and trained educator in visual anthropology
Title: Maobé (Sesc Vila Mariana)
Video of the performance of Maobé (Togo and Brazil) in Sesc Vila Mariana, June 2019.